Global Enabling Trade Report 2009, by the Economic Forum lists Kyrgyzstan among 20 most accessible markets of the world.

The report analyses 121 countries on market access, border administration, transport and communications infrastructure, business environment as well as provides the overall Enabling Trade Index, where Kyrgyzstan ranks 101st.

Market access subindex puts Kyrgyzstan on 18th position, leaving Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Russia far behind with 45th, 104th and 113th places respectively. Border administration in Kyrgyzstan remains rather low, keeping it down to the 116th position. Meantime, transport and communications infrastructure subindex shows relevant improvement, awarding Kyrgyzstan the 86th position of the rating, giving way to Kazakhstan – 63rd, Armenia – 61st, Ukraine – 60th and Russia – 56th.

Business environment in Kyrgyzstan is obviously the worst among CIS states. It ranks 108th, while Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan take 96th, 85th, 77th and 70th positions respectively.