Russian media reports say a mass brawl broke out between Central Asian vendors running shops at Novosibirsk’s Hiloksk market and racketeering group led by native of Uzbekistan on October 7.

According to Russian media outlets, the racketeering group led by native of Uzbekistan Tamerlan has been engaged in extortion and robbery for already two years.  The victims have applied to the law enforcement authorities several times but to no avail. says the brawl that broke out on October 7 involved 200 people.  Tamerlan reportedly came to the marked with ten armed people mass.  They were in masks and armed with assault rifles and pistols.  

Zharkynbai Toitukov, the head of the Kyrgyz Diaspora in Novosibirsk, told Radio Azattyk (Radio Liberty’s Kyrgyz Service) that the vendors had gone against racketeers with stones and bludgeons in their hands.  

“About 100 people pushed the racketeers aside and burned their car.  Three or four people were injured by rubber bullets.  Their condition is now good.  Several members of the criminal group were detained but the main perpetrators are free,” Toitukov said.

Russian media reports say abbot 200 people participated in the brawl in Novosibirsk and 50 of them were detained.