Tajik Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Aslov met with his Turkmen counterpart Rashid Meredov here yesterday to discuss preparations for an official visit of Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Tajikistan, according to the Tajik MFA information department

Aslov and Meredov reportedly also discussed issues related to state and prospects of further expansion of bilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.  

They also exchanged views on a number of regional and international issues being of mutual interest, the Tajik MFA information department said.

After gaining independence, the political basis of the Tajik-Turkmen relations was formed on January 27, 1993 by signing of the Protocol “On the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.”

The Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan has functioned in Ashgabat since February 1993.  The Embassy of Turkmenistan operates in Dushanbe as well.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, Tajik-Turkmen bilateral relations have traditionally been built on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation.  Generally, Tajik-Turkmen relations successfully develop in political, trade-economic, scientific-technical, cultural and other spheres.