DUSHANBE, February 14, Asia-Plus -- Swedish Agricultural University in Stockholm has assumed financing construction of state-of –art lab in Tajikistan for testing foods products, Asia-Plus has learned from Mullojon Amirbekov, head of veterinary service within the Ministry of Agriculture.   

According to him, it was noted during a meeting of senior representatives from the Tajik Ministry of Agriculture with top managers of the Swedish Agriculture University in Stockholm at the end of the last week.    

Mr. Amirbekov has told Asia-Plus that the Tajik delegation visited Sweden by invitation of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).  

“The main purpose of the visit was for the Tajik delegation to discuss issues related to further financing of training of personnel for Tajik veterinary services,” Mr. Amirbekov said, noting that a group of Swedish specialists will arrive in Tajikistan in March to negotiate financing and terms of the construction of the laboratory in Dushanbe.   He added that Tajik post-graduate students and students at Tajik Agriculture University will be trained at the lab how to test food products.  

According to Mullojon Amirbekov, the estimated budget for the construction of this lab is nearly one million U.S. dollars.