DUSHANBE , February 15, Asia-Plus - Today, Tajikistan marks the 17 th anniversary of the withdrawal of the Soviet military contingent from Afghanistan .

Valijon Sayorabekov, head of the Dushanbe branch of Tajikistan ’s Union of Veterans of Afghan War, has told Asia-Plus that on this occasion veterans of Afghan war are gathering today to lay flowers at the monument to the Hero of Soviet Union Aleksandr Mironenko in Dushanbe .

Russian Ambassador to Tajikistan Ramazan Abdulatipov, commander of the Russian military base in Tajikistan Colonel Aleksandr Zavizyon and Tajik officials are supposed to attend this gathering as well.

Today afternoon, veterans of the Afghan war also will gather for the republican ceremonial meeting in Hissor, where an official opening of a monument to servicemen of the Soviet military contingent, who died in actions carrying out international mission in Afghanistan , will be held.             

More than 9,000 veterans of the Afghan war are registered in Tajikistan ; more than 16,000 young men from Tajikistan were conscripted to serve in the Soviet military contingent in Afghanistan .