DUSHANBE , April 11, Asia-Plus - On April 17, the Dushanbe mayor’s office will announce a tender for reconstruction of the city isolation hospital located in the Zarafshon area of Tajik capital. 

We will recall that the Dushanbe city isolation hospital was moved from Ayni Street to the kindergarten in the Zarafshon area last year.  

The Dushanbe mayor’s office has provided 2 million Somonis for refurbishment of the former kindergarten’s territory assigned for the city isolation hospital, Shavkat Saidov, a spokesman for the Dushanbe mayor, said.  

According to the mayoral spokesman, the Dushanbe mayor’s office has also announced tenders for rehabilitation of the riverbank protection works in the area of the Firdavsi district, reconstruction of the Hofiz Sherozi Street and refurbishment of the Dushanbe Archives’ building.