DUSHANBE, May 19, Asia-Plus - People with sight disabilities living in Tajikistan experience serious difficulties with employment and dwelling, Kholmahmad Tengniyev, Chairman of Dushanbe Blinds’ Society, remarked today inaugurating the youth conference of people with sight disabilities from the Central Asian region in Dushanbe.

According to him, at present more than 10,000 people with sight disabilities, including 1,287 children, are living in Tajikistan.  “Tajikistan has only eleven enterprises that could place people with sight disabilities in job, but the majority of them stand idle” Tengniyev said, noting that there are four boarding schools for children with sight disabilities in Tajikistan – in Isfara, Khujand, Hissor and Dushanbe. 

“These schools have many problems and one of the most acute problems facing them is shortage of textbooks and other educational supplies,” Mr. Tengniyev said.