DUSHANBE, June 5, Asia-Plus -- The European Commission has granted Euro 5 million humanitarian aid package to continue meeting the forgotten needs of vulnerable groups in Tajikistan. The aid provided will focus on improving the health status and living conditions of vulnerable communities and facilitate the establishment and functioning of a national medicine procurement system in order to reinforce local capacities. The emphasis in this final planned funding decision will be on linking relief to rehabilitation and development. The funding is channeled through the Commission''s Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), under the responsibility of Commissioner Louis Michel, and distributed to the local population through humanitarian NGOs and international agencies operating in Tajikistan .

Despite general improvements in the overall economic and social situation in Tajikistan , persistent pockets of poverty and subsequent humanitarian needs remain. Tajikistan is the poorest country in the Europe and Central Asia region. Food insecurity, weak healthcare systems and limited access to potable water and sanitation facilities remain problem areas in Tajikistan .

This package is intended to assist the most vulnerable people in Tajikistan . It focuses primarily on the health sector, with an estimated 2 million beneficiaries. However, water and sanitation, and food security interventions will continue. The package includes the finalization of activities to establish a sustainable national medicines procurement and distribution system, which will reinforce local capacities in meeting demand in the health sector.

DG ECHO has a longstanding commitment to address forgotten humanitarian needs in Tajikistan . Since 1993 it has allocated some Euro 146 million to address urgent needs in Central Asia . This Decision marks the end of a three year ''phasing out'' strategy for DG ECHO, reflecting improvements in the humanitarian situation and the engagement of other actors in the field including other instruments of the European Commission. In the framework of this strategy, the European Commission''s services have been closely coordinating their activities and those of other humanitarian organizations working in the country. This Decision aims to reinforce the conclusion of DG ECHO funded activities and facilitate their handover to local Tajik authorities and structures.