DUSAHNBE, June 9, Asia-Plus -- A role of religion in strengthening of peace and expansion of social partnership was in the center of discussion at a conference that was held in Dushanbe yesterday.

Senior clerics from Central Asian countries took part at this conference staged by Tajikistan’s Center for Strategic Studies under financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

According to information from the Tajik Committee for Religious Affairs, the conference was held behind doors and representatives from media were not allowed to attend it.  

Participants at the conference offered a solid condemnation of terrorism.  During the conference it was noted that terrorism has nothing to do whatsoever with religion. 

Reliable source has told Asia-Plus that Muhamamdsodiq Muhammadyusuf, former head of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Central Asia, telling the meeting noted that during 70 years of Soviet era there was no religious education in the country and after collapse of the Soviet Union people with proper religious education began teaching Islam.   

“This factor has caused appearance of separate groups and parties and conflicts between them.  Various organizations such as “Hizb ut-Tahrir”, “Akramiya” have appeared and each of them refers to Koran in dissemination of their ideas,” said Muhammadyusuf, “Because of such actions some Muslims have turned to terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism, which are absolutely alien to Islam.”