KULOB, September 5, Asia-Plus  -- Prime Minister Oqil Oqilov has arrived in Kulob to attend ceremonies of opening of a number of jubilee objects built here on occasion of the 2700 th anniversary of the establishment of the city of Kulob.   .

According to information from the Kulob mayor’s office, Oqil Oqilov and Sughd governor, Qosim Qosimov are attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony for opening of choikhona (teahouse) “Isfara”, which is a present of the Isfara people to Kulob on occasion of its jubilee.  The budget for the construction of this teahouse was 800,000 Somonis.  

Today, Oqilov is also opening new building of the Kulob finance department and the monument to known Tajik poet Shamsiddin Shohin.