DUSHANBE, April 11, Asia-Plus - Tajik national television early today announced the death of known Tajik composer and Rector of Tajik National Conservatoire Talabkhuja (Talabsho) Sattorov.  Sattorov died of heart failure Tuesday evening.  He was 54.

 Talabsho Sattorov was born in Kulob in 1953.  He graduated from Moscow State Conservatoire named after Chaikovsky in 1983. 

In 1995, he was appointed Pro-Rector of Tajikistan’s Institute of Art.  From February 2001 to September 2003, he was Rector of the Institute of Art.  In September 2003, he was appointed to head Tajikistan’s National Conservatoire.

Works by Talabsho Sattorov were played in many countries of the CIS as well as in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Finland, Germany, Estonia, China and other countries.