Retail prices for fuel in Almaty almost twice exceed wholesale. It was informed at the session of Interregional inspection on Almaty oblast and Almaty of Agency of Kazakhstan on competition protection (Inspection).
The session, for which representatives of companies dealing with retail sale of fuels as well as wholesale providers of oil products, was devoted to the issue of disproportion, which appeared in regard with noticeable reduction of prices for oil, whereas prices for fuel in Kazakhstan remain high enough.
According to the head department data in the sphere of oil and gas industry, on the world market from July to November the prices for petrol reduced by 60%, for diesel fuel by 50 - 52%.In Kazakhstan reduction of prices made up in average from 20 to 30% depending on the fuel.
During the session the representative of the company ''Talgartechstroyservice'' informed that the last wholesale purchase of AI-92 petrol was made at price KZT47 a litre. "Retail price for this kind of fuel at petrol stations of Almaty equals KZT77," deputy director of the Inspection Sanat Saptayev said.
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