Energy consumption limits could be repeatedly imposed in Kyrgyzstan during 2009-2010 heating season, Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources Minister Ilyas Davydov said at session of Parliamentary committee on Tuesday, June 9.

As to Davydov, imposition of limits will be necessary, if volume of stored water in Toktogul reservoir come to 11 billion m3 as of October 1, 2009.

According to Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources Ministry, limits on electric energy consumption can make up from 16 to 18 percent- two times lower compared to the heating season of 2008-2009. Ilyas Davydov assured that it was not planed to cut off electricity at schools and a number of other social objects. Schedule of blackouts will be also changed. Power engineers plan to cut off electricity at night from 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM.

However if level of water in Toktogul reservoir exceeds 11 billion m3, energy consumption limits could be reconsidered.