The Tajik wrestler, who was supposed to participate in the Grand Prix of combat sambo in Krasnodar, returned back to Dushanbe. 25-year-old Ramazan Dzhumaev was detained by Russian border guards for three days at the Sochi airport and then sent back to his homeland, not allowing entry into Russia.

He told about this in his Telegram channel. The Sambo Grand Prix will be held in Krasnodar from September 11 to 12.

However, the athlete flew from Dushanbe to Sochi in advance, on September 5. At the airport, representatives of the Russian authorities, after checking his documents, told the athlete that he did not have the right to enter Russia and therefore would be deported from that country.

At the same time, as Dzhumaev told Radio “Ozodi”, he had a confirmation letter from the Sambo Federation of Tajikistan, but the Russian border guards did not even look at this document.

According to Ramazon, there were 12 other migrants from Tajikistan at the airport with him, whose documents were also seized for verification. On September 8, in the morning, Ramazon Dzhumayev, along with nine other Tajik migrants, was sent back to Dushanbe. According to Dzhumaev, when his passport was returned to him, there was no stamp on deportation.

Dzhumaev has been living in Moscow for the last four years, and two months ago he flew to Tajikistan to take part in the republican mixed martial arts competitions. And he does not know for what reason he was not given permission to enter Russia.

“Maybe I broke some rules when I lived in Moscow,” - he believes. Now Dzhumaev has decided to continue his training at home.

Ramazon Dzhumaev is the winner of many combat sambo and judo competitions in Tajikistan. He also won the Krasnodar Combat Sambo Championships three times.

Dzhumaev is not the only Tajik athlete who had problems during his trip to the competition. In early September, another Tajik athlete was unable to fly from Istanbul to Spain. Sunnat Abdulloev, who was supposed to take part in the World Greco-Roman Wrestling Championship in Spain, spent several days at the Istanbul airport, but did not get the permission to fly to Spain. The Tajik authorities have not commented on this case.