DUSHANBE, January 12, Asia-Plus - Holding of Tajikistan’s national exhibition in Moscow promotes further expansion of Russian-Tajik cooperation strengthening of mutual understanding and confidence between business communities of the two countries, a letter by Russian Ambassador to Tajikistan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, to the head of Tajikistan’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), Sharif Saidov, says.   .

According to information from the CCI, in his letter, Russian Ambassador appreciates the CCI’s support for holding of the Russian national exhibition in Dushanbe (November 29 – December 2), on sidelines of which an economic forum entitled “ Russia and Tajikistan .  Economic Cooperation: Realities and Prospects” was held.   

Holding of these events may give new impulse to development and intensification of mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan in trade-economic, scientific-technical, information and cultural spheres, the letter says.  The Russian national exhibition in Tajikistan has demonstrated high interest of Russian business circles in Tajikistan ’s market, and great potentials of bilateral cooperation, Russian Ambassador stressed.