Tajik tax police chief Qurbon Abdunazarov, has told Asia-Plus raids made by officers from Tajik tax police on shops selling audio and video products has led to closure of more than 35 large shops on selling audio and video products in Dushanbe. According to him, the confiscated product has been submitted for examination, which is carried out by a special commission comprising representatives from “Tojikstandart” (standardization and metrology agency), tax police, “TojikKino” (cinematography association), security ministry, etc.
Mr. Abdunazarov claims that a major part of audio and video products being realized in the country is unlicensed and has been imported to
According to him, the raids to reveal counterfeit audio and video products have been made in the republic for the first time. “Henceforth, such raids will be regular,” Abdunazarov said, noting that they will carry out such inspections in Khatlon and Sughd provinces as well.
In the meantime, according to information from “Tojikstandart”,
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