DUSHANBE , June 1, Asia-Plus - On the sidelines of the CIS defense ministers’ meeting, Tajik Defense Minister Sherali Khairulloyev met with his Azerbaijani counterpart, Safar Abiyev, in Baku on June 1. 

In the course of the talks the two discussed a broad range of issues on prospects of bilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and Azerbaijan in the military and military-technical spheres.  According to the “Trend” news agency, their talks resulted in signing of a military cooperation agreement.  

“Trend” quoted Abiyev as saying that the agreement would give a new impulse to expansion of military cooperation between the two countries.  According to the news agency, Azerbaijani defense minister noted that they planned to sign new documents with Tajikistan on defense cooperation in near future.   

As it had been reported earlier, the CIS defense ministers discuss the scope of future military cooperation at the meeting in Baku on May 31.  

The 21 items on the meeting''s agenda included implementation of the Concept for CIS military cooperation to 2010, the activities of CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the conflict zone in the breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia, and a joint action plan for operative training in the CIS armed forces for 2007.  The CIS defense ministers set priorities for the next four years.