DUSHANBE, June 6, Asia-Plus -- officers from Tajikistan’s Drug Control Agency (DCA) have intercepted 495 kilograms of drugs over the first five months of this year, DCA press service reported.

Avaz Yuldoshev, a spokesman for the DCA, says the totaled included more than 209 kilograms of heroin, 53 kilograms of raw opium and some 235 kilograms of cannabis.  

The DCA officers have seized three explosives, 850 bullets of different caliber and 12 firearms over the same five-month period, according to him.  

18 joint operations by the DCA and other special services of Tajikistan, as well as special services of CIS and Afghanistan have led to seizure of some 517 kilograms of dugs. 

Besides, 61,704 bushes of wild hemp were destroyed in the special “Poppy-2006” Operation in Tajikistan.