DUSHANBE, June 8, Asia-Plus -- University students throughout Tajikistan will get a chance to visit parliament and learn about its work and the role of its deputies on June 8 and 15.  International Foundation for Elections Systems (IFES) and the National Association of Political Scientists of Tajikistan have organized the visit to parliament, which offers a rare opportunity for students to study the responsibilities of the Majlisi Oli (Tajik parliament) and to share their ideas on laws, proposed legislation or other current issues.

Ms. Sanovbar Sherova, IFES Tajikistan public relations officer, says the student program, sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development, is the result of an agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan and IFES, an international democracy-building organization.  It is supported by Chairman of the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament), Saydullo Khairulloyev and Chairman of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Committee on International Relations, Asomiddin Saidov.

“The ultimate goals of this visit will be to encourage the students to become responsible citizens, to actively participate in governance, to pursue further studies in politics, and to possibly seek elected office in the future,” said Ms. Sherova, “The program also promotes the parliamentarians’ engagement in democracy and civic education for young persons.”

Prior to the visit to parliament, mentors will advise students about their presentation skills and instruct them in the protocol for meeting with parliamentarians. Elsewhere in the world, students often work as researchers or assistants for lawmakers in order to support the preparation and discussion of bills of law. IFES hopes that this series of visits might be the first step toward such a program in Tajikistan.   

In 2005, IFES brought parliamentarians and university students together for the first time to discuss issues such as the World Trade Organization, labor migration, and HIV in Tajikistan. This year, the students chose to discuss topics such as citizens’ appeals, human rights, the administrative code and parliamentary procedure. The discussion of human rights will be accompanied by a handbook on the topic, specially published for the event and funded by the British Embassy in Dushanbe.