DUSHANBE, September 4, Asia-Plus  – On Saturday September 2, a congress of the Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) held in Dushanbe promoted Muhiddin Kabiri from his position as first deputy chairman to be the party’s new chairman.

Muhiddin Kabiri succeeds Said Abdullo Nuri, who died in August after a prolonged illness.  Unlike many in the party hierarchy, Kabiri is not an Islamic cleric but has a secular education.

The IRPT congress also elected Muhammadsharif Himmatozoda as a spiritual leader of the party and Nuri Muhammad Qori, the son of Abdullo Nuri, as deputy chairman of Tajikistan’s Revival Party   

ABOUT: Born in the Fayzobod district, some 50 kilometers east of Dushanbe, in 1966, Muhiddin Kabiri (Muhiddin Tilloyevich Kabirov) received his first secondary special education at Statistics College in Vahdat (formerly Orjjonikidzeobod) before graduating from the Faculty of Oriental Languages (Arabic Department) at Tajik National University.  He also graduated from Sane University (Yemen).  After post-graduate research at Russia’s Diplomatic Academy, Muhiddin Kabiri defended a thesis on receiving scientific degree.  Kabiri is Candidate of Sciences in Political Sciences.  During inter-Tajik negotiations in Moscow Mr. Kabiri was expert on international law.   From October 1997 to 2000, he was aide to the IRPT leader Said Abdullo Nuri.  From 200 to December 2004, he was deputy chairman of the Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan (IRPT), and from December 2004 till August 12 2006, he was the first deputy chairman of the IRPT.  In 2005, he was elected to the Majlisi Namoyandagon by party slate.  Muhiddin Kabiri is member of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth Police.  He is married with five children.