DUSHANBE , March 26, Asia-Plus – ANN – An active phase of military exercise, dubbed Rubezh-2007, for units from the rapid deployment force of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) will be held in Tajikistan on April 6, Russia ’s Agency of National News (ANN) reported.   

According to ANN, the joint CSTO staff-command drill will be conducted in three stages in the territories of two member nations of the Organization – Russia and Tajikistan .  

The main purpose of the final combat stage of the war game that will be held in Tajikistan is to rehearse coordination and interaction in carrying out antiterrorist operation in Central Asia .    

The first stage that will be conducted in Russia from March 27 to April 3 includes evaluation of military-political and strategic situation and preparation and submission of proposals to the Collective Security Council and the CSTO council of defense ministers on stabilization of the situation within the CSTO area.   

The second stage (April 3-5) will consider issues related to making by commander of the CSTO rapid reaction force deployed in Central Asia region of decision on carrying out antiterrorist operation.   This stage will also be conducted in Tajikistan .   

The final combat stage of the war game will be held at the training ground Lohour, some 20 kilometers southwest of Dushanbe .   The exercise scenario is based on neutralizing terrorist groups, according to the news agency.    

The final stage will involve military units from Tajikistan , Russia , Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan .   

CSTO members - Armenia , Belarus , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Russia , Tajikistan , and Uzbekistan - use the organization as a platform for fighting drug trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime, and have pledged to provide immediate military assistance to each other in the event of an attack. The bloc has a Collective Rapid Reaction Force deployed in Central Asia , and is continuing to build up its military forces.