DUSHANBE, June 26, Asia-Plus — The European Union intends to provide 750 million euros for its new strategy for Central Asia in the coming six years, the European Union Special Representative to Central Asia Pierre Morel announced at briefing in Dushanbe on June 25.  

Speaking to journalists, the EU special envoy to Central Asia gave a brief overview of the EU’s first-ever combined strategy for Central Asia.

According to him, the new EU strategy for Central Asia primarily focuses on energy cooperation, but it also offers significant increases in aid money and enhanced political contacts.  The strategy will also focus on issues related to providing regional security, including fight against drug threat and trafficking in weapons, as well as economic reforms, environmental protection issues, strengthening of lawfulness and improvement of the human rights situation.

“Of course, this amount [750 million euros] is not so large for five Central Asia’s states but it is twice as much compared to the previous six years,” Mr. Morel said, noting that the European Union wants to upgrade its ties with Central Asia.    

According to him, the EU’s strategy means expansion of cooperation with Central Asia both at regional and bilateral levels.    

“An official presentation of the new EU strategy for Central Asia will be held with participation of Central Asian foreign ministers in Berlin on June 30,” the EU special envoy said.