DUSHANBE . March 14, Asia-Plus  -- Training course for heads of medical facilities of the Khatlon province will start in Qurghon Teppa, the capital of the Khatlon province on March 17.  

Nargis Qosimova, public relations coordinator at the Health Projects Implementation Unit (Project Implementation Unit or PIU), the training participants include 40 heads of hospitals and primary medical-sanitary service.  The training course is conducted under support of the Community and Basic Health Project (CBHP). 

During a week, the training participants will learn how to run their facilities, using modern methods of management and the state-of-the-art information technologies, the PIU public relations coordinator said, adding that similar training courses will be conducted for the remaining heads of the Khatlon medical facilities in April and May, and in June, similar training courses will be conducted for heads of medical facilities in the Sughd province.  

In all, 244 heads of medical facilities in 16 districts of Sughd and 25 districts of Khatlon are supposed to take this training course.