DUSHANBE, January 23, "Asia-Plus" - As declared today in a course of a press conference the minister of public health services Nusratullo Salimov  this year are going to begin to do operations on renal transplantation in Tajikistan. As he said, the operations will be carried in Urology center at (8 th building) of National medical centre (Karabolo), where are already carried out repair-and-renewal operations.

For realization similar most difficult operations, according to the minister, are already acquired and will be shortly delivered to republic. Besides two devices for realization hemodialysis are purchased also.

"For realization of operations on renal transplantation our experts were trained abroad, including, in Russia, and more one group one of these days to set off to Egypt for study of practice in this area, - the minister has said. Is a not so difficult operation and I am sure, that our experts able to carry out similar operations. By the donors of the given body while will act at desire the relatives of the patients".

Having touched a question on cost of such operation in the country, N.Salimov has noted, that if abroad cost of such operation reaches $20 thousand, in Tajikistan it will not exceed $4 thousand.