DUSHANBE, January 30, Asia-Plus  -- Leaders of all Central Asia’s states and Russia should seat at negotiating table to consider and coordinate principles of solution of problems, arising in relations between them, at the level of interstate agreements, member of the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament) Committee on Energy, Industry and Construction also leader of the Communist Party of Tajikistan (CPT) Shodi Shabdolov said in an interview with Asia-Plus.

On the issue of use of water resources in the region, Shabdolov noted that the adopted principles should take into consideration interests of all sides.

“The sides should sign an agreement on principles of solution of these issues,” said Shabdolov, “After that, national parliaments should adopt laws on use of energy resources, transmission of power, use of water, including the trans-border rivers, and these laws should not be in contrary to each other.”

“I am an engineer by training and I may say that technical issues on regulation these problems are solved easily,” said MP, “There are also no any serious technical problems with creation of the regional power grid in Central Asia that could be connected to Russia in the north and to Iran, China, Pakistan, India and etc in the south for exporting surplus electricity.”  This concerns regulation of transportation-communication issues as well.

Noting that practically all difficulties are of political nature, the CPT leader noted that there was no sense in conducting the policy, because of which the peoples of the region have been in critical state for 18 years.  “I made such a proposal, while speaking at the Moscow energy forum; representatives of all Central Asia’s states as well as Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia participated in the forum.  Even representatives of countries that do not have so good relations with Russia were interested in jointly solving disputable issues.”  According to him, a joint solution of the disputable issues would allow regulating prices of oil, natural gas and other resources.

He further noted that there ought not to accuse Uzbekistan or Russia over water use problems.  “This problem is not easy and solution of it does not depend on moods of one or two countries,” said Shabdolov, “After collapse of the Soviet Union, the CIS was founded for regulation of issues having systematic character, and Russia has become successor of the Soviet Union, and therefore, it should have solved these problems.  And in this case, Moscow should initiate dialogue.”

“Until this issue is solved, any bilateral negotiations of separate Central Asian countries with Russia will just cause concern of a large mass of people that are already losing patience, because energy crisis has affected all countries of the region and such a situation should not be left unsolved any longer – people will not forgive their governments,” said Shabdolov, “Nobody will wait another 18 years until our countries come to an agreement.”  “If the situation does not change, the parade of resignations of governments, artificially delaying solution of issues contrary to interests of their peoples, will start,” Shabdolov said.

According to him, the countries should use civilized approach, taking into consideration interests of all republics and the Roghun station will be constructed without fail in interest of all sides.