DUSHANBE, January 30, 2009, Asia-Plus  -- Reports of heads of power-wielding structures of the country on the results of work carried out last year and tasks for this were heard at a January 29 meeting of the Security Council, presided over by President Emomali Rahmon, according to presidential press service.

A special attention was given to issues related to removing shortcoming existing in their power-wielding structures’ work as well as improvement of capacities of the country’s armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

The head of state demanded at the meeting that the all shortcomings should be removed in the shortest time.  Rahmon reprimanded a number of officials and gave them six months to remove serious shortcomings in their work.

The following officials were reprimanded: the head of the Supreme Court Nusratullo Abdulloyev; the head of the Council of Justice (Shuroi Adliya) Shermuhammad Shohiyon; State Adviser the President for Legal Policy also Representative of the President to the Parliament Zarif Alizoda; and the head of the Agency for Special Properties within the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Ismoil Shafiyev.