The Minister of Transport of Tajikistan, Azim Ibrohim, and the Senior Head of the Transport sector of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD), Alexander Raschikov, discussed in Dushanbe the possibility of building anti-avalanche corridors on vulnerable sections of the republic's highways.

According to the Ministry of Transport of the country, the parties discussed, in particular, the construction of 51 such corridors, with a total length of more than 5.2 thousand meters, to ensure road safety in winter.

The Ministry of Transport did not report which roads were in question, but Zafar Sharifzoda, director of the State Institution "Center for the Implementation of the Dushanbe Chanak Highway Rehabilitation Project", also participated in the meeting.

"The participants of the meeting expressed confidence in the need for accelerated implementation of the project to improve road safety," the ministry noted. "Due to the specific climatic conditions and geographical location of the republic, the road transport sector is of great importance: more than 93.4% of cargo and 99.8% of passengers are transported by road."

The Ministry of Transport reported that currently 12 investment projects worth over $1 billion are being implemented, which are financed under loan and grant agreements.