DUSHANBE, August 9, 2011, Asia-Plus -- /Zarina Ergasheva/ - It remains unclear when Tajikistan will start to export its electric power to Afghanistan.

Tajik power company Barqi Tojik said that the Afghan section of the Sangtuda – Puli Humri electric power line is still under construction and is not ready to transmit energy.

“Of course we have already signed the contract. We should start transmission of electric power on August 10 but I do believe that together with economic benefits we should take into account issues of technical safety. There is no need to risk,” the Tajik power company said.

Tajik energy holding says that the construction of another two substations in Kunduz and Puli Humri is still under way and this may cause serious problems for the entire power line.

As it was reported earlier by Tajik energy structures, the launch of the 220 Kilovolt Sangtuda-Puli Humri power line is scheduled for August 10, 2011.

According to Asian Development Bank, the official date of the launch of this power line remains unclear and ADB Office in Tajikistan is waiting for the reply from its Headquarter in Manila.