We decided to show you how are the buses assembly which we use daily.

In the capital of Tajikistan this winter, the Tajik-Turkish enterprise “AKIA AVESTO” started assembling buses: buses buy in Turkey and assebly in Dushanbe.

Earlier, the Dushanbe City Hall and the Turkish company “AKIA” agreed that 200 buses for public transport of Dushanbe would arrive in Tajik capital from Turkey.

Buses arrive in Dushanbe by 75% assembled, final assembly is already done at the above plant.

«Installation of one bus takes a day. Наша компания уже собрала 119 автобусов, они были переданы столичной мэрии, и многие из них уже курсируют по городу. Now we are waiting for the delivery of the remaining buses from Turkey», says Asror Mirzoev, general director of the bus assembly company “AKIA AVESTO".

According to him, now 65 people work at the plant. All of them are Tajiks.

Mirzoev said that soon the buses will be fully produced in our country. The plant, which is currently being built, will be created on the basis of “Akia Avesto Avtomativ Industry” LLC and “City Service Ltd”.

It is planned that the plant will work at the beginning of the new year. A service center for manufactured products will also function under it..

The annual production capacity of the enterprise will be 250-300 buses, and at least 200 local specialists will work on it.