The development of a feasibility study for another hydropower plant on the Vakhsh river, which will be located 12.5 km below the dam of the Rogun hydropower plant, can begin as early as the coming year.

The preparation of a feasibility study for the Shurab hydroelectric plant, with an estimated capacity of 862 MW, will be undertaken by the Tajik Aluminum Company (TALCO) with the involvement of an advisory company.

This is stated in the Action Plan to improve the efficiency of TALCO's production activities for 2019-2024.

The term for the preparation of the feasibility study is indicated for 2020-2024.

Implementation of the development, TALCO will be engaged in conjunction with the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, the State Committee for Investments and State Property Management.

The construction of the Shurab hydroelectric plant, the Action Plan notes as favorable conditions for TALCO to provide its own electricity and its uninterrupted receipt.

It is expected that Shurab hydroelectric plant will be built in 110 kilometers east of Dushanbe. The construction of this station will require approximately $ 1 billion. The Shurab HPP will become the eighth stage of the cascade of stations on the Vakhsh River, consisting of nine hydropower plants, seven of which are fully constructed (Nurek, Baipazin, Sangtuda-1, Sangtuda-2, Golovnaya, Perepadnaya and Central), and the construction of the Rogun hydropower plant continues.