An exhibition of pedigree livestock took place in Khujand, the capital of the northern province of Sughd, on November 26, according to the Sughd administration press center.
Besides, camels and ponies were demonstrated at the exhibition.

“The main objective of the exhibition was in demonstrating pedigree cattle and small livestock and providing the population with high-quality and competitive domestic products,” an official source with the Sughd regional administration told Asia-Plus in an interview.
According to him, Sughd governor Rajabboy Ahmadzoda presented memorable gifts to the best livestock breeders of the province.

According to data from the Sughd reginal administration, there were 755,769 head of cattle (by 31,000 head more compared to the same date of last year), 1,800,000 head of sheep and goats (by 84,788 head more), 5,700,000 head of poultry, and 9,119 head of horses (by 296 head more) in the province as of November 1, 2023