Tajikistan and the World Bank have signed three grant agreements totaling 71 million US dollars.

The press center of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) says the documents were inked by Mr. Faiziddin Qahhorzoda, Finance Minister of Tajikistan and Mr. Ozan Sevimli, World Bank Country Manager for Tajikistan, in Dushanbe on December 21, 2023.

The Tajikistan Financial and Private Sector Development Project aims to support the Government of Tajikistan for strengthening its financial sector, boosting the private sector and stimulating economic growth.  World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved US$50 million in grant financing from the International Development Association (IDA) for this project.   

Additional financing for the Regional CASA 1000 Power Transmission Project has been allocated for transmission of summer excess electricity from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to Afghanistan and Pakistan.  

The project will also promote the development of electricity trading mechanisms and creation of a regional electricity market in Central and South Asia.  

A total cost of this project is 11 million US dollars.

Additional support for the CASA 1000 Community Support Project for Tajikistan provides for allocation of 10 million US dollars for improving the quality and expanding access to electricity services, improving social-economic infrastructure and supporting strengthening of the capacity of local self-government in inclusive communities in the territory covered by the project.  

The grant will be financed from the International Development Association.