The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) has published the Sustainable Development Report 2024.

The global report, published annually since 2016, includes information panels with a rating of the performance of all 193 UN member states in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Tajikistan ranks 89th in the ranking with 68.09 points. Only Turkmenistan is lower among the Central Asian countries (94th place, 67.13 points).

Kyrgyzstan is the most successful in achieving the SDGs among the countries of the region (48th place, 74.19 points). Kazakhstan is in 66th place with 71.11 points, Uzbekistan is in 81st place with 69.24 points.

Three Scandinavian countries are recognized as world leaders in achieving the SDGs: Finland (1st place, 86.35 points), Sweden (2nd place, 85.70 points), Denmark (3rd place, 85.00 points).

At the "tail" of the rating are African Chad, the Central African Republic and South Sudan.

The SDGs are a set of 17 interrelated goals developed in 2015 by the UN General Assembly as a "Blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable Future for All." These goals were named in the resolution of the General Assembly as the "Agenda for the period up to 2030".

Detailed information on UN member states shows that Tajikistan has managed to achieve only 2 of the 17 goals since 2015 - "Low–cost and clean energy" and "Combating climate change".

At the same time, the republic is experiencing "significant problems" in achieving 7 goals. These are "Poverty eradication", "Hunger eradication", "Quality education", "Gender equality", "Clean water and sanitation", "Reducing inequality", "Partnership for Sustainable Development".

The most problematic for Tajikistan is the achievement of the following 5 goals: "Good health and well-being", "Decent work and economic growth", "Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure", "Sustainable cities and human settlements", "Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems".

The "problems remain" category includes: "Responsible consumption and production".

Information is not available on the two remaining goals ("Conservation of marine ecosystems" and "Peace, justice and effective institutions").