The Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Tajikistan and Tatarstan signed an agreement on cooperation within the framework of the forum of business circles of the two countries, which was held on September 4 in Dushanbe

According to the press service of the Tatarstan Chamber, the representative delegation of this country is headed by Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Korobchenko.

“It is encouraging that Tatarstan companies are developing cooperation with partners from Tajikistan and our business mission confirms this. I know that Tajikistan is actively working on the creation of technology parks. Tatarstan is ready to offer all the accumulated positive experience,” - said Korobchenko in his opening speech.

Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tatarstan Shamil Ageev, opening the forum, noted the importance of the chambers' work.

“It is at such events that you need to use the opportunities of new meetings and acquaintances. There is a lot of unpredictability in the modern world, and we are ready to work in conditions of uncertainty. Our task is to give you contacts that will be useful, we are interested in this and ready to work,” - he said.

Minister of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan Sherali Kabir, in turn, noted that the main goal of the forum is to increase industrial cooperation between Tajikistan and Tatarstan, increase investments and train new personnel.

The report notes that B2B negotiations were also held within the framework of the forum, in which more than 60 enterprises of Tajikistan took part.

Tatarstan's business mission in Tajikistan will last until September 6. During the visit, it is planned to get acquainted with the economic potential of Tajikistan, visit various enterprises.