A 23-year-old road-hog has killed two children in a traffic accident tin Dushanbe.
According to the Interior Ministry’s official website, the accident took place in Dushanbe Thursday (February 22) evening.
The driver reportedly failed to control his Audi and hit two children, the 10-year-old Hamza Norov and the 11-year-old Dilnoza Norova. The children died on the way to hospital.
On the same day, a fatal traffic accident took place in the city of Nurek at around 10:00 pm. The 31-year-old resident off the Danghara district (Khatlon province), Rajabali Kholiqov failed to control his Opel-Astra and hit the 25-year-old Qiyomiddin Rajabov. Rajabov died on the spot, according to the Interior Ministry’s website.
According to the statistical data from the Interior Ministry, 1,303 traffic accidents took place in Tajikistan last year. 431 people were killed and 1,400 others were injured in those accidents.