He died in early August, but this became known only now. In the Dushanbe pre-trial detention center, the deputy head of the liquidated Tajprombank Mahmadullo Mirzoev died.
According to the source, he suffered from diabetes.
Mahmadullo Mirzoyev was detained in February 2019 on charges of fraud.
The ex-head of the bank, Jamshed Ziyoev, who was also charged with fraud and embezzlement of depositors in the spring of 2018, is under investigation.
«Tajprombank» lost the license of the National Bank of Tajikistan at the end of February 2017, unable to cope with customer service.
In 2018, the Accounts Chamber of the Republic revealed in Tajprombank financial damage in the amount of 270 million Somoni ($ 28.6 million).