A large fire broke out at the cotton ginning factory in Mastchoh district of Sughd province today early at around 2:30 am, a source within the Sughd fire department told Asia-Plus today morning.
According to him, 20 firefighter crews were sent to the fire site and they reportedly managed to extinguish the fire in more than six months
“There was a large number of finished product (cotton fiber) in the factory,” the source said.

A source within the district administration says Muzaffar Co. Ltd, which is one of the largest cotton ginneries in Sughd province, is owned by local entrepreneur Salim Mirzoyev.
“I heard that 1400 tons of bales of cotton fiber, each of which costs about U$3000, were produced and stored at the factory,” the source added.

The cause of the fire is under investigation and a special commission is currently working at the fire site to assess the real damage caused to the factory by the fire.