The first trial of journalist Abdullo Gurbati, which began yesterday, was postponed to another day. The court session was held for three hours behind closed doors in the Dushanbe pre-trial detention center.
The chairman of the Shohmansur district court, judge Behruz Shafo did not talk to reporters, he only said: I have no information.
The journalist's lawyer, Abdurakhmon Sharipov, told Asia-Plus that his client pleaded not guilty to any of the charges against him.
"At today's trial, Abdullo Gurbati's wife and three more witnesses, employees of the Shokhmansur district police department, testified, after which it was decided to postpone the court session. What day - did not say", - noted Sharipov.
The lawyer added that Abdullo was in a good mood, he had no complaints.
The wife of the journalist Muboraki Kosim, who participated in the trial, told Asia-Plus that the testimony of three police officers from the Shohmansur district did not match.
It should be noted that no one was allowed into the process, except for her, including Abdullo's mother..
«I believe in my husband's innocence», - concluded Muborak.