Authorities in Tajikistan have seized the property of a recently detained group of prominent political figures, as well as their close relatives, Radio Liberty’s Tajik Service, known locally as Radio Ozodi, reported on July 30, citing its sources.  

The investigative authorities have reportedly frozen the bank accounts of ex-chairman of the Democratic Party (DPT) also former member of parliament Saidjafar Usmonzoda, ex-chairman of the Supreme Council of Tajikistan Akbarsho Iskandarov, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Hamrokhon Zarifi, journalist and deputy chairman of the DPT Ahmadsho Komilzoda, and deputy chairman of the Social-Democratic Party of Tajikistan (SDPT) Shokirjon Hakimov, along with their immediate family members.

The source reportedly also mentioned that there is a ban on the sale or rental of residential houses and apartments, dachas, cars, and other movable and immovable property for the families of these individuals.

Radio Ozodi also noted that the relatives of the detainees are complaining about pressure on their families.  One relative mentioned that, based on a letter from official bodies, he was dismissed from his job.  Family members of the detainees also stated that they have not been allowed to see their relatives in detention since their arrest.  According to them, most lawyers are refusing to defend the detainees and their relatives, fearing pressure, and therefore communicate with the press under anonymity.  For the same reasons, they do not disclose the names of the hired lawyers.

It has been revealed that not all detainees currently have independent legal representation. According to Radio Ozodi sources, only Akbarsho Iskandarov and Shokirjon Hakimov have independent lawyers.  However, even these lawyers have not yet been able to meet with their clients in detention.  According to a source from the authorities, only state-appointed defenders participate in the interrogations of the detainees, and due to the classified nature of the cases, details are not disclosed.

Relatives of the detainees also reported having no information about the conditions of detention, health status, or the progress of the investigation. Some of them have been summoned for questioning regarding these cases but have been required to sign non-disclosure agreements.

There has been no official information regarding the detention of the aforementioned individuals, except for Saidjafar Usmonzoda.  The Prosecutor General's Office, which is investigating the cases against the former political figures, has not provided any details due to the classified status of these cases.

It should be noted that former chairman of the DPT Saidjafar Usmonzoda, who was also member of the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament), was detained on June 12 in Dushanbe for allegedly “plotting to overthrow the government.”