The 31-year-old resident of Temur-Malik district in Khatlon province, Jahongir Qurbonzoda, has been detained in Dushanbe on suspicion of killing his two-year-old daughter, says the press center of the Dushanbe Police Directorate.  

It is noted that he regularly got drunk and beat up members of his family.

“On September 14, being intoxicated, Qurbonzoda came to his rented apartment in Dushanbe’s Shohmansour district.  At this time, his little daughter was crying, which angered him and he beat his wife first and then started beating the two-year-old girl with a belt.  The child did not stop crying and he covered her mouth tightly, causing the child to stop breathing,” the press center reports.

To hide traces of his crime, the suspect reportedly drove his daughter's body to Temur-Malik district and wanted to make it look like she died due to an accident.  

Criminal proceedings have been instituted against the man under the provisions of Article 104 (2) of Tajikistan’s Penal Code -- murder of a minor with extreme cruelty; an investigation is under way.