It will affect 16 thousand people, of which 10 700 will be released from criminal liability and further serving the sentence.

The lower house of the parliament of Tajikistan on September 6 adopted the law "On amnesty". The amnesty will release 800 suspects and accused, 350 defendants, about 3000 convicts from correctional institutions, 1900 convicts from settlement colonies and 4650 convicts from the correctional labor inspectorate. 5300 convicts will be reduced sentences.

As the Deputy Prosecutor General of Tajikistan Dilshod Talbakzoda told the deputies, according to the norms of the law "On Amnesty", women, minors, men over 55 years of age are released from serving a sentence of imprisonment, regardless of the term of the sentence and from serving other sentences not related to imprisonment, disabled people of I, II and III groups, patients with malignant neoplasms of stage 4 and 4 clinical groups, tuberculosis of the respiratory organs and destructive lesions of the lungs, ischemic heart disease - angina pectoris of III and IV functional classes, participants of the Second World War and persons equated to them, participants in hostilities on the territory other states, persons injured as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, awarded state awards and foreign citizens.

The law also provides for the release from punishment of convicts in respect of whom the execution of the sentence has been postponed or the punishment has not been conditionally applied, or in relation to persons released on parole from serving a sentence or serving a sentence in correctional colonies-settlements or persons sentenced to other punishments not related to with imprisonment.

With regard to persons who have committed crimes provided for in Articles 245 (“Misappropriation or embezzlement”), 246 (“Theft of funds issued as a loan”), 247 (“Fraud”), 253 (“Causing property damage by deception or breach of trust "), 257 (" Theft of funds of foreign aid funds "), 264 (" Illegal receipt of a loan ") and 292 (" Evasion of taxes and (or) fees of a legal entity ") of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the amnesty will be applied if they compensate for the damage..

Also released from further punishment are persons imprisoned for a term of up to 5 years for committing less grave and medium gravity crimes, who have served one third of the sentence for committing grave crimes or convicted of committing especially grave crimes, if they have served at least three quarters of the sentence in places of detention.

The amnesty does not apply to prisoners who are serving a sentence for grave and especially grave crimes, such as murder, causing grievous bodily harm, kidnapping, human trafficking, rape, torture, crimes related to terrorist and extremist activities.

In addition, the amnesty does not apply to persons sentenced to life imprisonment, sentenced to death, whose punishment has been commuted to imprisonment, and persons who committed a crime at the place of serving their sentence, recidivists and released under the 2019 amnesty.

The law after it is adopted by the lower house of the country's parliament and signed by the President of Tajikistan will be published in the press. It must be executed by the authorities applying it within two months.