In the period from 1 to 7 September, in accordance with the agreement reached, a regular meeting of topographic working groups and legal working groups of the government delegations of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan on border issues was held in the city of Buston, Sughd region.

This is reported by NIAT “Khovar” with reference to the State Committee for National Security of the Republic.

“Within the framework of the meeting, topographic working groups conducted joint field surveys on the remaining sections of the Tajik-Kyrgyz state border. The parties will continue to work on the description of the remaining sites at the next meeting, which will be held on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic,” - the message says.

Following the meeting, a corresponding Protocol was signed.

Photo: NIAT “Khovar”

Earlier, from August 11 to 17, the meeting was held in the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan.

Recall that by mutual agreement of the parties, meetings of representatives of the two countries on the demarcation and delimitation of the border are held alternately in both countries, the details of these meetings are not disclosed.

At the beginning of August this year, Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Jeenbek Kulubayev said at a press conference that there were “a number of points” on the issue of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border, which are now being agreed upon.

“Representatives of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan continue negotiations on the issue of the state border. There is an understanding of the heads of state, who gave instructions to complete everything in the near future. You understand that the border is a very sensitive issue, so active negotiations are underway now and we are comparing the positions of the parties. I think in the near future, in the next two or three months, we will complete it,” - Kulubayev said.

At the end of July, at a press conference, the head of the Sughd region, Rajabboy Akhmadzoda, said that 94% of the Kyrgyz-Tajik state border had already been marked.

“To date, 94% of the border line has been fully marked. We believe that everything will be resolved positively in the near future, - said Ahmadzoda. - On July 21-24, representatives of Kyrgyzstan and the Ministry of Transport of Tajikistan visited the disputed territories of Chorkukh and Vorukh, the commission is very active, God willing, the documents will be signed in the coming months”.

At the same time, Ahmadzoda did not say where the remaining 6 percent of the disputed territories are located.

The Special representative of the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers on border issues, Nazirbek Borubayev, in an interview with “Azattyk”, said that the remaining 6% of the territory requiring solutions are located in “difficult areas” of the Batken district.

The total length of the Tajik-Kyrgyz state border is 972 km. During the meeting in 2022, the Presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan announced that they had agreed on 664 km of the state border.

Due to the uncertain borders, conflicts over water, land, roads and pastures often occurred in the region. In April-May 2021 and in September 2022, large-scale clashes took place at the border, which killed dozens of people.

After the clashes, the border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan was closed. From 2022 to the present day, dozens of meetings have been held on the border issue between the two countries, and several times an “Oshi Oshti” (Reconciliation Pilaf) was organized in the Bobojon Gafurov area.