Tajik President Emomali Rahmon yesterday delivered a statement at the meeting "BRICS+" and "BRICS and the Global South: Jointly Building a Better World".

Tajik president’s official website says that in his speech, Emomali Rahmon drew the attention of the leaders of the states participating in the summit to the pressing issues and current realities of the international situation.

Emomali Rahmon, in particular, emphasized that today, more than ever, it is necessary to consolidate efforts in order to ensure lasting peace, security, stability and sustainable development.

In this context, he recalled his new proposal to the UN General Assembly to adopt a special resolution - "Decade of Strengthening Peace for Future Generations" and expressed hope that this initiative will receive comprehensive support.

In connection with the threats of international terrorism, extremism, radicalism, cybercrime, trafficking in weapons and drugs, as well as other types of cross-border organized crime, President Emomali Rahmon, noted: "Tajikistan has consistently advocated for expanding cooperation with all international partners in the fight against these challenges and threats."

It was also emphasized that for these purposes, Tajikistan actively promotes multilateral cooperation in the fight against terrorism and the financing of it within the framework of the "Dushanbe Process".

Tajik leader also expressed concern over the extremely negative development of the situation in the Middle East and the escalation of conflicts that have led to numerous victims among the civilian population.

Emomali Rahmon expressed confidence that any contentious issues, conflicts and disputes can be resolved by political and diplomatic means.  Another problem that he drew attention to is the consequences of climate change and destructive natural disasters.

Tajik president recalled that in May of next year, Tajikistan, in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly, plans to hold in Dushanbe the International High-Level Conference on the Preservation of Glaciers and invited the heads of state to take part in this important international event.

Emomali Rahmon called it extremely important to take practical steps for a real transition to a "green" economy, the most important component of which is "green" energy.  It was noted that only broad, interested interaction can create favorable living conditions for our future generations in our common home - planet Earth. The key to achieving this noble goal is the further development of the dialogue of civilizations.

In conclusion of his speech, Emomali Rahmon, noted: “The countries of the Global South, in terms of their influence on global processes and potential, are fully capable of mobilizing efforts to “build a better world.”