DUSHANBE, May 23, Asia-Plus -- Government heads from countries making up the CIS will gather in Tajikistan for the next meeting of the council of the CIS prime ministers that will be held in the Tajik president’s out-of-town residency “Pugus” on May 25, according to information from the President’s Executive Office.
The meeting is aiming to consider an agreement on establishment of the CIS Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation, report on activity of the CIS Interstate Council for Metrology, as well as a series of financial and organizational issues. In total, 22 Issues have been tabled to the meeting’s agenda; of them 15 will be submitted for participants for signing without discussion.
Participants in the meeting, in particular, will sing a project for conducting census in the CIS states in 2010, and a program of main cultural events to be held in the CIS area till 2010. It is also planned to sign concepts of development of education for adults and formation of national databases, organization of intergovernmental exchange of information for preventing infringements of law, as well as development of social and medical foundations of improvement of life of people that suffered of wars, local conflicts, and terrorism.
Prime ministers are supposed to arrive in Dushanbe on May 24. On the same day, they will be received by President Rahmonov.
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