DUSHANBE, December 4, Asia-Plus -- President Emomali Rahmonov has formed the new government.
By president’s decree of November 30 the number of ministries and government committees and agencies was reduced by one-third. Practically all of Tajikistan’s key ministers have retained their jobs in the new cabinet.
On December 1, President Rahmonov signed decrees on the formation of a new Cabinet. By his decree Rahmonov reappointed Oqil Oqilov to head the country''s revamped government. Oqilov has served in this post since late 1999.
By president’s decrees the following persons have been appointed to the new Tajik Cabinet:
Oqil Oqilov – Prime Minister;
Asadullo Ghulomov – First Deputy Minister;
Khairinisso Mavlonova – Deputy Prime Minister.
Mahmadnazar Solehov – Minister of Interiors;
Ranokhon Abdurahmonova – Minister of Health;
Hamrokhon Zaripov – Minister of Foreign Affairs;
Mirzoshorukh Asrorov – Minister of Culture;
Masaid Homidov – Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources;
Sherali Khairulloyev – Minister of Defense;
Abdujabbor Rahmonov – Minister of Education;
Abdurahmon Qodirov – Minster of Agriculture and Environmental Protection;
Abdurahim Ashurov – Minister of Transport and Communications;
Shukurjon Zuhurov – Minister of Labor and Social Security;
Safarali Najmuddinov – Minister of Finance;
Ghulomjon Boboyev – Minister of Economic Development and Trade;
Sherali Gulov – Minister of Energy and Industry;
Bakhtiyor Khudoyorov – Minister of Justice.
Chairmen of State Commettees:
Khairiddin Abdurahimov – Chairman of the State Committee for National Security;
Sharif Rahimov – Chairman of the State Committee for Investments and Management of State-owned Prperty;
Mirgand Shabozov - Chairman of the State Committee for Statictics.
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