DUSHANBE, May 11, Asia-Plus - Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament (Majlisi Namoyandagon) considered and approved a bill requiring an amnesty for physical and juridical entities following their legalization of property at a May 11 sitting presided over by its speaker Saydullo Khairulloyev. 

The bill caused quite long lively discussion. 

Tojidding Turayev, the member of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Committee on Constitution, Legislation and Human Rights, presenting the draft law noted that it is aimed at attracting property earned in violation of regulations governing business operations in legal economy, determining actual owners, as well as improving investment climate and promoting development of entrepreneurship in the country.

According to him, the legalization will be conducted only once and it will give physical and juridical entities an opportunity to legalize properties privatized in past years in accordance with normative documents but made over to other persons.  

“The legalization will be voluntary and conducted by special commissions that will work at local authorities during six months,” said Turayev, “A procedure of the legalization will be determined by the government.”   

Mainly Communists came out against adoption of this law.  The Communist Party (CPT) leader Shodi Shabdolov addressing the session said that those properties had been amassed by robbery.  “Why should we amnesty thefts?” Shabdolov said.  

However, after a long discussion a conciliation commission was set up for defining more precisely some issues and the law was adopted by the majority of votes.