Five new neighborhoods are expected to be built in Dushanbe’s Sino district as part of the ambitious municipal redevelopment plan that includes the construction of modern buildings.
Practically all the old buildings will be demolished, with the exception of multi-story residential buildings and social facilities, an official source at the Dushanbe mayor’s office told Asia-Plus today.
According to him, the new neighborhood 121 will be constructs in the territory Ispechak 1 mahalla (Nusratullo Makhsoum Street in the north; Big Hisor Canal in the south, some part of neighborhood 102 in the east and the area where the U.S. Embassy is located in the west).
Neighborhood 113 will be constructed in the territory of Ispechak-2 mahalla (a part of Nusratullo Makhsoum Street in the east and Hisor Street in the west).
Neighborhood 31 will include Saadi Sherozi Avenue in the north, Rohi Nav mahalla in the south, Rahmon Nabiyev Street in the east and Maykovky Street in the west.
Neighborhood 52 will be constructed in the territory of Chortout mahalla (Abai Street in the north, Dehoti Street in the south, Borbad Avenue in the east and Cable Plant in the west).
Neighborhood 10 will be constructed in the territory of Kamongaron mahalla (Huvaidulloyev Street in the north and Clara Zetkin Street in the south), the source said.