Yesterday’s government session, presided over by President Emomali Rahmon, has focused on issues related to training of personnel at foreign universities.
According to the Tajik president’s official website, Deputy Prime Minister, Ms. Matlubakhon Sattoriyon, reported on a work carried out by the Republican Commission for Selection of Personnel for Training at Foreign Universities and Scientific Institutions, effective of use of presidential scholarship “Durakhshandagon” for talented students studying at universities and scientific institutions in advanced countries and employment of graduates during the period from 2018 to 2022.

Ms. Sattoriyon, in particular, noted that more than 5,000 Tajik students now study at universities in CIS member nations and other foreign countries.
She also noted that the issue of employment of presidential scholarship recipients has been handled in accordance with the scholarship regulations and they now effectively work in various spheres of economic and social life of the country and in the public management system.
“Although a large number of graduates came to work in various spheres, 3.8 percent did not act in the prescribed manner,” the deputy prime minister was cited as saying by the Tajik president’s official website.
In this regard, Emomali Rahmon reportedly instructed relevant ministries and agencies to take adequate measures to improve selection of students for studying abroad as well as assist in the employment of the presidential scholarship recipients.
The session participants also discussed issues of effective use of farmlands, timely sowing of crops, expansion of sown areas, proper storage of food products, fruits and vegetables as well as compliance with the law on observing national traditions and rituals.