Presided over by President Emomali Rahmon, a government meeting to review the results of the past six months’ work and discuss tasks set for the second half of this year took place on July 29.  

The Tajik president’s official website says that speaking at the meeting, Emomali Rahmon noted that thanks to the constructive and consistent steps of the Government over the first six months of this year the positive trend in the development of the national economy was maintained and the process of increasing production volumes in most real sectors of the national economy was continued.  

It was emphasized that in January-June 2024, the rate of country’s economic development was ensured at the level of 8.2%, and the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to 61.7 billion somonis.

During the reporting period, the development of the national economy was reportedly ensured mainly due to an increase in the volume of industrial production by 11.5%, agriculture — by 9.6%, financing in fixed capital — by 15.7%, trade turnover — by 11.9%, paid services — by 16.6%, cargo transportation — by 13.8%, passenger transportation — by 9% and foreign trade turnover — by 29.3%.

Emomali Rahmon emphasized that the inflation rate for this period was 1.9 %. 

The national budget income plan for January-June 2024 was fulfilled at the level of 107.9%, and the budget reportedly received 21.2 billion somonis, which is 1.5 billion somonis more than it was originally planned.

The Government of the country was instructed, in collaboration with ministries, departments and local authorities, to eliminate existing problems and obstacles, in accordance with previous instructions, through the effective implementation of adopted strategies and programs, to ensure the rate of development of the country's economy at a level of at least 8 percent.

The heads of government bodies were reportedly instructed to use all opportunities and resources to ensure the effectiveness of the activities of the national economy sectors and to take additional measures to achieve the country's strategic goals.

It was considered necessary to prioritize issues of preventing the impact of potential risks on the national economy, forming a "green economy", digitalizing the process of providing public services and expanding cashless payments by the end of this year.

The relevant ministries and departments were instructed to take measures to strictly implement cashless payments for public services, especially in healthcare, education, housing and communal services, environmental protection and its structures, civil registration departments and state notary offices of cities and districts.

The head of state reportedly instructed relevant ministries, local authorities and state-run to take adequate measures to ensure the implementation of the revenue part of national budget in 2024.

It was also instructed to take effective measures to attract new sources of income to the national budget, as well as to reduce tax arrears and prevent the emergence of new arrears.  

The relevant agencies were instructed to take the necessary measures to timely fulfill the government's social obligations, especially regarding full payment of wages to social workers, pensions, compensations and benefits, improving health care, and ensuring a plan for financing socio-economic spheres.

The State Committee on Investment and State-owned Property Management and the project implementation units were instructed to ensure the timely implementation of state investment projects and take timely and decisive measures to eliminate existing shortcomings.

The president also instructed the State Committee for Investments and State Property Management, ministries and departments, and executive bodies of state power to take effective measures to attract more direct foreign investment into the country's economy.

The relevant departments were instructed to take specific measures to ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of projects to reduce electricity losses in cities and districts.  It was considered necessary to ensure the implementation of a billing system, full accounting of energy consumers and timely collection of funds from the population, organizations and enterprises together with local executive bodies of state power.

During the meeting, the bills offering amendments to the country’s Civil Code and the law on state social insurance were discussed and sent for consideration to the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament). 

The meeting participants reportedly also discussed the Plan of Actions for the Financial Protection Strategy against Natural Disasters in Tajikistan for the period until 2037 and issues related to establishing the Limited Liability Company (LLC) “Technological Park of Software Products and Information Technologies in Dushanbe”.  Appropriate decisions were made.