By government’s decision Nouriddin Sayyed has been relieved of his post of Chairman of the Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting, an official source within the Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting told Asia-Plus in an interview Tuesday afternoon.  

It remains unclear whether Nouriddin Sayyed will be assigned a new position.  According to the source, he has been sent into retirement.

Nouriddin Sayyed had previously held notable positions, including serving as the Rector of the Tajik State Teachers’ Training University in 2008 and the Rector of the Tajik National University from 2008 to 2012.  He then served as the Minister of Education and Science for over eight years (2012–2020).

During his tenure as the head of the Committee for TV and Radio Broadcasting, Sayyed introduced several restrictions, such as a ban on publishing obituaries about the deaths of prominent figures.  He also decreed that men with beards should not appear in television advertisements.

The new head of the Committee for TV and Radio Committee, Nosir Sayeed (he has nothing to do with Nouriddin Sayyed, they are just namesakes), is a prominent figure in the fields of cinematography and journalism.

Since 2012, Nosir Sayyed served as the director of the Tajikfilm film studio, and in 2017, he was appointed to head the Safina television channel. At 59 years old, he is a filmmaker whose artistic works have earned international recognition.

According to sources, Sadreddin Shamsiddinzoda has taken over Nosir Sayyed’s position at the Safina television channel.

Previously, Shamsiddinzoda had been the head of the Jahonamo television channel and had also served as the director of the state-run news agency Khovar and deputy chairman of the Committee for TV and Radio Committee.

Shamsiddinzoda’s position at the Jahonamo television channel has been filled by Sohibnazar Ghoib, who had previously headed the Khatlon television channel.  

Earlier in his career, Ghoib had as a correspondent for the Tajikistan television channel in Khatlon province.

Sohibnazar Ghoib is the son of Muhammad Ghoib, a People’s Poet of Tajikistan, and has authored several poetry collections himself.